Conservatives: Medical transition is dangerous and causes bone disease!
Liberals: Transition is proven to be medically safe!
Actual scientific papers: Trans people have weaker bones BEFORE any treatment happens at all. No one knows why. We should probably, like, figure that out or something.
"Low bone mass is prevalent in male-to-female transsexual persons before the start of cross-sex hormonal therapy and gonadectomy", figure 1, page 4:
Adolescent trans women have average bone density Z-scores of -0.44 SD, -0.77 SD, -0.93 SD, -0.66 SD (depending on metric used) *before* treatment, Table 2:
I know yours is not a genetics or medicine Substack, but I passed by and needed to comment on 'causes': Transgender women were gestated in the womb as physically female initially, for any period of time (typically brief), then a genetic mutation (that is caused by a virus that we typically know as a virus that causes the symptoms of UTIs, which also causes CAH) causes a switch in 'sex' to physically male. They are then born as male despite having a deep biological memory of having been inseminated and gestated as female and of developing as girls. It's a manmade bioweapon targeting gay women.
XX individuals switch to XXY and back (for sperm production) during their lives (it's speculated that it is to produce spermatozoa, which come from the Skene glands) and XXY is not an anomaly; XX and XXY chromosomes are both present in all AFAB people. But perhaps the bigger story there is that women produce sperm and always have.
Conservatives: Medical transition is dangerous and causes bone disease!
Liberals: Transition is proven to be medically safe!
Actual scientific papers: Trans people have weaker bones BEFORE any treatment happens at all. No one knows why. We should probably, like, figure that out or something.
"Low bone mass is prevalent in male-to-female transsexual persons before the start of cross-sex hormonal therapy and gonadectomy", figure 1, page 4:
Adolescent trans women have average bone density Z-scores of -0.44 SD, -0.77 SD, -0.93 SD, -0.66 SD (depending on metric used) *before* treatment, Table 2:
Z-scores of -0.71 SD, -0.2 SD in young adolescents, and -0.44 SD, -1.18 SD in older adolescents at baseline, Table 2:
Adult trans women have Z-scores of -0.93 SD, -0.58 SD, -0.73 SD before starting HRT, Table 1:
You'll like part 2B of this :)
I know yours is not a genetics or medicine Substack, but I passed by and needed to comment on 'causes': Transgender women were gestated in the womb as physically female initially, for any period of time (typically brief), then a genetic mutation (that is caused by a virus that we typically know as a virus that causes the symptoms of UTIs, which also causes CAH) causes a switch in 'sex' to physically male. They are then born as male despite having a deep biological memory of having been inseminated and gestated as female and of developing as girls. It's a manmade bioweapon targeting gay women.
XX individuals switch to XXY and back (for sperm production) during their lives (it's speculated that it is to produce spermatozoa, which come from the Skene glands) and XXY is not an anomaly; XX and XXY chromosomes are both present in all AFAB people. But perhaps the bigger story there is that women produce sperm and always have.