Dec 27, 2021Liked by Metacelsus


I'm a postdoc in the same area as you with similar interests (biotech, but with a slightly different focus) and communities. Enjoyed reading your writing and came here from astralcodexten - if you're willing to connect, reach out to me at Throwawayalphalpha@gmail.com and I can send you my main email/linkedin info.

Sorry - as far as I can tell Substack doesn't give me any other options for reaching out! Hope this isn't a bother and feel free to delete if so.

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021Author

I've emailed you, but it said "undelivered". You can contact me: metacelsus at protonmail.com

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Merry Christmas!

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by Metacelsus


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