Jul 10, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023

Please explain this if you get a chance. In the beginning of the paper when methylation was induced there seems to be a discrepancy regarding the percent methylation of the Ankrd26 CGI. First it states "with two of them showing more than 55% of CpGs methylated" and then it states "Ankrd HR1ex exhibited 85.2% methylation on Ankrd26 CGI". did the methylation go up in the HRex? if so there seems to the opposite effect in the Ldlr CGI.

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Wow! Heritable through F4! I hope the readership grasps how significant this is!l. Great work Metacelsus in opening up a can of alleles! What indeed is going on? I'm just a mere philosopher and CA engineer, but I think this stuff is exciting. Are the Chinese research teams publishing their research?

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