It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of peak fertility, it was the age of premature ovarian failure — in short, it was a series of sisters that mystified top gynecologists.
what unevenly distributed cell population do you think causes the super weird fasting fibrinogen results later in life for monochorionic vs dichorionic
also! this happens frequently with dizygotic pregnancies in marmosets as well which to translate would mean your sibling could be having your genetic kid
1. Can we use our present bio-engineering capabilities to use this knowledge to our advantage in some way?
2. Is there ever a case where threefold division, as in triplets, differs from the mechanics and outcomes of the twins case (beyond the obvious)? Similarly can we turn this to some kind of novel advantage?
what unevenly distributed cell population do you think causes the super weird fasting fibrinogen results later in life for monochorionic vs dichorionic
also! this happens frequently with dizygotic pregnancies in marmosets as well which to translate would mean your sibling could be having your genetic kid
1. Maybe it could be related somehow to twin-twin transfusion syndrome? I'm not an expert on blood though.
2. That's super cool! There might be some interesting evolutionary implications about germline competition.
My ignorant inquiry addressed to both you experts!
Amateur and non-biologist here! Two questions:
1. Can we use our present bio-engineering capabilities to use this knowledge to our advantage in some way?
2. Is there ever a case where threefold division, as in triplets, differs from the mechanics and outcomes of the twins case (beyond the obvious)? Similarly can we turn this to some kind of novel advantage?